Portland’s Pathalogical Altruism

The last Sunday’s Portland Press Herald featured an editorial criticizing Governor Lepage’s comments about national media stories discussing Portland’s struggle with people taking advantage of America’s foolishly generous laws for asylum and refugees. The editorial highlights the romanticism which many people view immigration.  It posits that immigrants who don’t speak English and have a lot of children will generate economic growth.  Like in Bangladesh, the Central African Republic or Guatemala, perhaps?  It laments the tight housing market and strain on public services, but does not make the connection between an influx of fecund migrants and the demand for shelter and welfare.  Governor Lepage, whatever his faults, was clear about the responsibility of government primarily to the economic, social and environmental welfare of Maine citizens.  And he carefully managed the state’s resources to that end.  He was skeptical of the effects of settling people who, as the editorial acknowledges, need “housing assistance, food pantries, and English classes” just to eke out a living.  Governor Lepage is wise to advocate the reduction in the influx of poor migrants who must struggle to make ends meet and assimilate.  The only rejoinder to his wisdom seems to be a dreamy naivety that immigration is an unalloyed good, and however much of it we have, more is better, and our problems are unrelated to 75% of Portland population growth being from immigration.