The Endless Desire for More

The mantra of capitalists is “Growth!” It is an insatiable appetite for More. More profits, more consumers, more power. This unseemly greed is prettied-up in humanitarian terms to advocate for mass-immigration, but one should always follow the money to uncover the truth. The refugee racket is largely driven by the profit realized by Refugee Resettlement NGOs in the form of government grants. Business owners who keen on and on about how they can’t find workers are really just sustaining their business model on cheap labor. Politicians and bureaucrats extolling the virtues of mass immigration are simply building a bigger and more beholden clientele.

For most citizens of Maine, this ceaseless drive for More means More congestion, More work for less pay, More social rancor and destruction of a sense of community, stability and harmony.

To the capitalist, politicians, bureaucrats and bishops, we are like sardines: The more in the can, the better. Nobody asks the sardines how they feel about it.